soon, i know you will see
It's amazing how short the days are, and how long. They go by quickly, but when looking back, and forward, they seem to stretch on interminably. It would be nice if I could jump ahead and reassure myself that everything will turn out okay. What brought this on? Well, it's always a pleasant surprise when you realize that you are not all that important to someone for whom you care very much.
It's so frustrating sometimes, the games we're forced to play, the masks we're forced to wear, the parts we're forced to act. Why can't everything (and everyone) be completely straitforward? Wouldn't that be much more simple? It sounds as if it would be, but in actuality, I doubt that it would. We always think that things will be better, or were better, if only... But there is truth in the adage of "be careful what you wish for, you just might get it".
There are times that I wish that people hadn't figured out the "key" to this, and I could just send my posts out to the random void. I don't want what I say to be overanalyzed, especially when I'm being overly dramatic, as what often happens here. But, as mentioned, it's an outlet so that I can maintain at least the appearance of something resembling normality. :)