Saturday, February 25, 2006

only as old as you feel

It's been a while, I know. Sorry. My readership, all two of them, has most likely given me up. Ah well. This is my "deeper thought" blog, and as shallow as I am, that doesn't happen all that much. :)

However, turning 29 (for the first time, thank you very much) has thrown a few things into perspective. The saying is that "You're only as old as you feel", and if that's the case, then I'm somewhere between 17 and 25. Maybe about 23. When I think of 29 objectively, I think of career advancement, marriage and babies. A part of that, I'm sure, is societal pressure. It used to be that a woman past 25 was practically an old maid. While this is changing, and women are marrying and having children later and later, there's still some remnants of that perception lurking in the shadowy corners of society.

Or maybe it's just me. As with most things, that's probably the case. ;)

Subjectively, when I do not concern myself with my actual chronological age, I feel too young, still, to think about marriage and children. I certainly do not have a ticking biological clock or a desperate need to find a man to marry. I *would* like to get married, and I think that I would like to have children; preferably, in that order. *I* do not think that I could do it on my own; I need that other person around to help. And to act as a balance to my, er, quirks so that the kids aren't screwed up all to hell.

Job-wise, I do rather feel that I should probably be a bit further than I am, but even with that, I did take over a year off, which is a nice little chunk out of any path for advancement, and that year I would not trade or give up for anything.

Realistically, everything is fine. Still plenty of time for marriage and kids. It's just that, with 29, I'm still "in my twenties". The big 3-0, no more of that. When I was a child, 30 was positively ancient. Now that it's less than a year away, it doesn't seem quite so old anymore. Funny how that is, eh? And I certainly don't feel 30, so what does it matter, anyway.

Of course, it doesn't help that I am now playing soccer with girls half my age. Literally.


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