the year of the snapdragon
February 9th is Chinese New Year, according to my calendar, which lists every holiday, regardless of how obscure. Not that Chinese New Year is obscure, but it also has Yukon Heritage Day (February 25th), and so sorry to my Canadian friends, but that is pretty damn obscure. This is the Year of the Rooster. I was born in the year of the Snake, but if I'd come a few days earlier, 'twould have been Year of the Dragon. Being a dragon is infinitely cooler than being a snake, and it's only because I wasn't born on time that I am now a snake and not a dragon. Thus was the start of my perpetual tardiness - and it has been downhill, ever since.
I know that I have been rather more on edge than I normally am, and I know mostly why, but it feels to be more than just that. (It has been a week-and-a-half, so one would be right in assuming that things should be improving, when really, I still feel as empty as ever. And I still haven't talked to him.) It's like I'm in a permanent state of PMS, and it's certainly not PMS because that doesn't happen for another few weeks. TMI, I know. DEAL. Anyway, it's not just me. Everyone around me seems to be testy and snappy and unhappy in general. Is it the weather? It's rainy and drab, so possibly. Is it that since I am cranky and moody (more so than usual), that I'm projecting my own behavior onto others? Or that I'm causing them to behave in this manner? If it is me, well, I don't know. I'm sorry.
The other thing is that everything also just seems to be going sooo slowly. Work, the days, etc. I feel like I'm trapped in some sort of real-life Twilight Zone.
And yes, I do know that I italicize too much. I happen to be rather fond of my italices, thank you very much.
1. Things take as long as they take; generally, it's longer than you think they will or they should. So keep hanging in there. It gets better. Really.
2. Italics are awesome. One of the terrible limitations of the written word is the loss of vocal inflection. Personally, though, I like to mix it up with some bold here and there, along with the very occasional underline. Also, since The Twilight Zone is the name of a television series, it gets italicized anyway.
3. The link from the other blog to this blog is busted.
4. The end of January into the beginning of February is always a somewhat slower and gloomier time for me, even since I've been in California, so I don't think it's just the weather. Maybe it's the transition between "Woohoo! A new year!" and "Holy God, another eleven months of this?" But hey, no one ever promised us a rose garden, so we soldier on, and before you know it, it's Christmas again...
I figured she removed the link on purpose...
I only took it for an accident since the conical wizard hat is still there. (Is there a word for "conical wizard hat"?) -SEH-
January 24th is officially the worst day of the year, as etablished by an actual scientific process. I saw it on Canada AM last week, so it must be true (kjb)
Yes, I took away the link but liked the picture so kept it. Y'all know where the page is, anyway, so you don't need it anymore. Also, it was fun to watch BCK keep clicking on it in vain. Tee-hee, I am sneaky! :)
You need a comments area on That Other Blog so that I can more regularly impart my wisdom to your lighter side. -SEH-
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